Message From the Principal 20.09.2024
Dear Parent / Carer
The Ethos Team has been very busy this week as they continue to provide outstanding pastoral support for our students. They have also provided several sessions for our students in years 7 and 11. Year 11 students were invited to participate in a series of workshops called ‘Learn to Lead’, supporting individuals with developing the key skills they need to be successful leaders. Year 7 students were provided with workshops that supported them with developing skills to be confident and resilient learners. We have a very busy programme of events this year, coordinated and funded by the Ethos Team. We look forward to providing further updates on these sessions throughout the year.
The performing arts faculty have had an exciting week this week auditioning students for the whole school musical this year - Shrek. It was great to see so many students auditioning for key parts in the performance. Recalls are taking place next week, and we are all excited to see who will be performing in the many different roles available. It is also great to see the number of students who have signed up to support with the backstage and front of house duties. These roles are vital to the success of any show, and often go unnoticed!
On Thursday evening, we welcomed parents and students of year 11 to our launch evening. It was fantastic to see so many students and parents, keen to know how to navigate their final year of secondary school, and how to prepare for their examinations. All resources from the evening will be shared with parents and students. We will also find a swift resolution to the unforeseen clash in dates with the year 11 prom and the sixth form residential. I will update you all as soon as this is resolved.
As you will have seen on our social media channels, a group of students are currently completing their Duke of Edinburgh expedition. I am sure that they have had a great time navigating their routes and setting up their camp. I look forward to hearing about this next week from students, and we will aim to share an article about the expedition in the newsletter next week.
Our assemblies this week were led by Mrs Ogilvie. The assembly was focused on the international day of peace which takes place tomorrow. Mrs Ogilvie spoke about how we can all contribute to cultivating a positive culture, telling the story of Mohammed Ali and how he was committed to supporting and helping others in need.
Finally, it is always a delight when we receive feedback from the local community regarding how helpful and considerate our students are. A group of our students supported a local resident this week, helping to return their dog that was having a great time running away from its owner. It is brilliant to see students demonstrating our values in the local community and being brilliant ambassadors for Team Rushden.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mr J Firth