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Behaviour and Rewards

At Rushden Academy our TEAM RUSHDEN VALUES underpin all that we do.

Behaviour and Rewards

Pupils are rewarded for displaying positive learning behaviours both in class and around the Academy.  There are weekly Stars of the Week awards recognising excellent work and effort from all staff.

Departments also provide further recognition of pupil progress and achievement at the end of ecah half term in our Rewards Assemblies.

Every September, the Academy hosts their Annual Academy Awards Evening where we celebrate our pupil’s achievements and successes with parents.

When pupil behaviour falls below our expectations the Academy uses a simple and easily understood behaviour management system of ASK – MOVE - REMOVE to ensure that pupil learning and progress always comes first.

To further support or values and expectations the Academy has also set out a range of our key foundations such as being in uniform, having a planner and equipment, pupils being punctual to lessons and ready to learn.  These key foundations we consider as ‘Non-Negotiables’.

Our current Behaviour and Exclusion Policy can be found here

Get in Touch

Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391


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