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Message From the Principal 25.10.2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week has been full of rewards and celebrations focusing on our #TeamRushden values: Hardworking, Resilient, Smart, Team-Players and Respectful. The assemblies this week were our end of half term rewards assemblies and were led by our Directors of Key Stage, Mr A Smith and Mrs Broughton. It was brilliant to see so many students being rewarded and to hear the amazing comments that form tutors had prepared for their individual awards. Students were so proud of their achievements and it was amazing to see everybody celebrating and showing respect for each other. Students were also treated to a performance by our Dance Group. We have so many talented individuals at Rushden Academy, and it is fantastic that we are able to showcase their amazing talents to all year groups during events like these.

A summary of our TRPs for this half term can be found below. Well done to year 7 who have smashed it this half term with their TRPs! We will share our weekly top students, and our half termly champions on social media soon!

Year 7 - 48096

Year 8 - 38905

Year 9 - 39899

Year 10 - 38776

Year 11 - 2774

On Wednesday, I led our end of half term attendance prize draw to celebrate those students with excellent attendance. This is delivered by a whole school Google Meet so that all students can be a part of the celebrations and share the success of their peers. We ensure that this draw is fair by including all medical and religious events in our attendance calculations. This event has really grown in popularity over the past few terms, and it was amazing to see that we had 522 students eligible to be a part of the prize draw with attendance over 95%. Prizes included a gaming chair, earpods, GHD hair straighteners, footballs, basketballs and an echo dot. Some students have already got their eyes on the prizes for possible Christmas gifts if they win next half term!

The top three forms for KS3 and KS4 attendance for attendance this half term are:

KS3: KS4

  1. 7LH - 97.24% 1. 10SDA - 95.98%
  2. 7COG - 96.92% 2. 10SWE - 94.36%
  3. 7HJ - 96.76% 3. 11EW - 94.29%

On Thursday, we were visited by the Bishop of Peterborough who visited the school to find out more about our close working relationship with the Grace Foundation and our outstanding Ethos Team. She met with students from our Social Action Squad to find out more about the community work that they have been doing, and the positive impact this has had on them. Our students were excellent ambassadors for Team Rushden, and we are proud of the amazing work they continue to do.

Please remember that school is closed on Monday 4th November due to an additional training day that we have scheduled for our team. Students will return to school on Tuesday 5th November. Year 10 will have their assembly as normal focusing on Remembrance in preparation for our whole school service on Monday 11th November.

I hope you all have a lovely half term. Please remember that you can contact a member of the safeguarding team by phone on 07428 441286, or you can email . Alternatively, you can report a concern anonymously using the reporting button on the main page of the school website. 


Yours sincerely


Jonathan Firth 

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Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391


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