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Joining Rushden Academy

Joining Rushden Academy

Joining Rushden Academy

Transition from Year 6 into 7

Also see our dedicated Transitioning page.

Welcome to Team Rushden! We hope you will be continuing through the next stage of education with us, and we look forward to meeting you over the coming months. We will be visiting our feeder primary school in the coming months to provide you with information about Rushden Academy.

Mr Firth, Senior Vice Principal and the team, will ensure that the transition from Year 6 into Year 7 is a smooth one. Our priorities throughout the school year will be to get to know the cohort of students that will be in our care during their first year in our community. We will be meeting with Year 6 teachers and other key members of staff, as well as the children themselves, to enable this to happen.

In the meantime, should you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us at the Academy. We will be more than happy to answer questions or concerns you may have.

So, how's it different?

  • You will be taught by nine or ten different teachers.
  • You will be taught new lesson (e.g Photography, Ethics, Drama, Dance, Food Technology)
  • You will need the correct books and equipment for all your different lessons.

School Life

Our core purpose is ensuring maximum success for every student. We set challenging targets which are reviewed regularly. Parents are kept well informed through a tutor evening, subject teacher evening, and a full report each year. We also have four key assessment points during the year. All information is shared with parents. We have an online attendance and reporting system called Go4Schools so parents can see uptodate information about their children at any time.


When your child comes to Rushden Academy, they will be given homework to do. This checks that they have understood work completed in class and helps them to prepare for something that they might do in their next lesson.

Homework could be:

  • Online Activities
  • Research
  • Revising
  • A Project
  • Writing

Do not worry about your child getting lots of homework straight away. We will gradually increase the amount of homework set over the first term as students settle into life as part of Team Rushden.

What's to eat?

In the school canteen we have a wide range of food to choose from in either the main canteen or the snack shack.

At lunch times there are always sandwiches and baguettes with a variety of fillings if your child prefers a cold meal. Hot meals are available every day.

We also have a wide range of cold drinks and fresh fruit which are available on the day.

Students are welcome to bring in their own packed lunches and eat either in the canteen or in other designated areas around the school.

We politely ask that parents refrain from including foods such as nuts in packed lunches as we do have students in the school with severe nut allergies. Thank you for your consideration in this matter

We warmly welcome all parents/carers to come and have a look around our Academy. If you would like to come and have a tour please email 

Helpful Hints


For assembly you should walk in silence to the Lecture Theatre with your form tutor and line up in a straight line until you are asked to go in for assembly.


Remember that when you come into the school gates you should dismount your bike and walk your bike down to the bike sheds. Remember that it is your responsibility to lock up your bike.

Movement around the School

Students are expected to walk quietly around the school and there should be no running or silly behaviour.


You shouldn't ask to go to the toilet during lesson time. Use break and lunch to use the toilets. If you are desperate, or in an emergency, then your teacher will give you an out of lesson pass to use.

Entry to the School

The School bell goes at 8:30am. When the bells goes you should quietly go to your form class and line up outside your form room. The School gates that lead on to Spencer Park will close at 8:25am, so if you are late you will need to enter into the School through the Hayway entrance.

Personal Property

Take care of all of your belongings, do not bring expensive items into the school as we wouldn't want you to damage them or lose them.

Get in Touch

Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391