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Parents, Teachers & Friends

Parents, Teachers & Friends

Parents, Teachers & Friends

What is the PTFA?

We are a group made up of Parents, Teachers and Friends of the school who meet regularly to discuss fundraising events, drink coffee and eat biscuits.

Why do we fundraise?

We have fundraised in recent years for Non Fiction resources for the library, Software for foreign languages that has helped not only with the subject but also students that have English as an additional language and have just moved to the school and “Science Live” dissection day, helping with subsidising ticket prices for students.

How do we fundraise?

Some of our fundraising activities have been:

  • Beetle drive
  • Assisting our local Rushden Round Table with their Santa Collection
  • Easter Egg Bingo
  • Refreshments at Parents evenings

JOIN US! – If you would like to join the PTFA, suggest fundraising ideas, have prizes that could be donated for an event or just help out at an individual event, please contact us via

Get in Touch

Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391