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Recent News Items

Message from the Principal 04.10.2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

It has been another epic week of success for #TeamRushden this week with so many exciting events and opportunities for our students and community.

Our Social Action Squad have been running a number of events this week, as part of their Social Action Week. I am sure that you have been following the events each day on our social media channels, and seeing the amazing work students have done! 

On Monday, our students supported our whole school reading strategy by listening to students read during form time. They also supported our local community collecting litter, and helped to transform our wellbeing garden at the rear of our pastoral rooms. On Tuesday, students visited local primary schools to support younger students with their reading. In the afternoon, students visited classrooms to share some sweet treats to staff and students. On Wednesday, students organised and delivered a coffee morning for our community. This was an excellent event that was well attended. It is important that we continue to engage with our local community, and welcome you all into our school. Finally, on Thursday, students finished off the garden area, adding in some amazing furniture! It has been a truly amazing week for our Social Action Squad, supporting the school, the wider community and students. Well done, and thank you to everyone that was involved!

Yesterday, we held our annual awards evening. It was an incredible evening where we had the opportunity to celebrate all of our amazing students with their families. It was fantastic to see a packed main hall, and all of the students looking so smart. We are extremely grateful to the Mayor of Rushden, Cllr David Coleman, and the President of the Rotary Club, Rick Nunley for offering their time to present the Mayor’s Shield and Rotary Club Awards.

Assemblies this week were delivered by Mr Smart, focusing on our Social Action Week and what it means to be part of a community. A powerful quote was shared at the end of the assembly by Ronald Reagan, “We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone”. Students also received updates on attendance following the first five weeks back to school. It is brilliant to see so many students with attendance above our target of 95% - well done! It is worth noting that there was a huge impact on outcomes for students in year 11 last year whose attendance fell below 90%. Students whose attendance fell below 90% achieved at least a whole grade lower across all of their subjects than their peers across the country with attendance above 90%. Those with attendance above 95% performed on average, half a grade higher in all of their subjects than the national average. Please remember that you can check your child’s attendance in the Go4Schools App, available on both iOS and Android.

Finally, I would just like to remind parents who drop off and collect their students via car in the morning, accessing school via the Hayway entrance, to stop and let students cross the two Zebra crossings we have. In addition, please remember to leave enough space around the roundabout section of the car park for other vehicles to exit safely. We want to ensure that all students are safe when arriving at and leaving school. We are grateful for your support with this matter.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend!


Yours sincerely

Jonathan Firth

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Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391


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