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Post-16 Transition

Post-16 Transition

Post-16 Transition

After half term there are going to be several opportunities open to year 11. Some of these will be for pupils planning to continue their studies with TENC, some for pupils continuing with A-Levels elsewhere and some for those going to college.

All of the information is downloadable from below.

Please see the table below explaining the opportunities.




All year 11 pupils

Virtual Work Experience opportunities

Apply to be part of work experience, including some very famous companies.

All year 11 pupils

Post 16 Skills

What are the writing and research skills that you will need to complete your post-16 work.

BTEC and A-Level pupils

Short 6th Form tasks

These are a series of short tasks to get you thinking about your future course. They are grouped together by similar subjects and you can complete them in short sessions and tick off the ones completed.

A-Level pupils GCSEPod Tasks These are a series of subject specific tasks.

BTEC and A-Level pupils

Subject Progression Sheets

These tasks are more subject specific and include questions to think about, possible reading lists and tasks to help you to make the transition.

Extra maths and English

Keeping it fresh

These are a series of tasks and worksheets for anyone who thinks that they may need to re-sit their GCSE in either of these subjects.

TENC pupils

Induction week

From Mon 21st June to Weds 23rd June is the TENC induction sessions. This is an opportunity to meet the teachers, talk about the course and to find out what you will need to do to prepare for September.


Virtual Work Experience

Post-16 Skills

Short 6th Form Tasks

GCSEPod Tasks

Subject Progression Sheets

Keeping it Fresh

TENC Induction Week

Click here for the Year 11 into 12 Transition Tasks

Get in Touch

Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391