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English as Additional Language

English as Additional Language

English as Additional Language

EAL Coordinator – Mrs H Buckoke

Here at Rushden Academy, we provide personalised support for students who have English as an Additional Language (EAL). We deliver inclusive provisions for all levels of English language development. Students will be supported in the following ways:

  • Small group lessons in English for pupils who are at the early stage of English Language.
  • One to one support if required.
  • Supporting pupils at all stages of language development across the curriculum, by working collaboratively with class teachers.
  • Working with pupils at examination level to help achieve good grades.
  • Supporting pupils in all aspects of school life in order that they may achieve their full potential both academically and socially.
  • Acting in a pastoral capacity to deal with any problems and arranging home / school liaison where necessary.
  • Arranging external examinations in pupils’ first language.

The GCSE results of our EAL students are improving year on year with them achieving a positive P8 score

Resources available to our EAL students:

If you feel that your son/daughter has specific language needs, please contact Mrs Buckoke, EAL Coordinator: 

Get in Touch

Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391