Message From the Principal 22.11.2024
Dear Parent/Carer
We hope that you have all had a productive week despite the freezing weather. Team Rushden have had another busy week, with lots of different events and activities taking place. We are extremely proud of our students who took part in the Cross Country event on Wednesday. Well done to Gracie who finished in 6th place, and George who finished in 3rd place. Gracie, George, along with Ethan and Jack, will now be invited to represent the district after Christmas! Well done!
We are becoming increasingly excited about our school ski trip to Andorra in January. As part of the preparation for this event, there will be a meeting for parents and students on Wednesday 27th November at 5:30pm in the Lecture Theatre. If you are not able to attend, please inform the school office and we will ensure that all notes and key information is shared with you.
The assemblies this week were led by an ex-student of Rushden Academy, Haydn Carter. The theme for the assembly was ‘The Power of Positive Thought - Mindset’. Haydn talked about his experiences and opportunities post sixth form, including his work for the NHS in laboratories and his missionary work in Tahiti. We are extremely grateful to Haydn for offering his time to talk to students this week.
Year 10 students took part in a range of workshops on Tuesday as part of our personal development programme. The workshops focused on building healthy relationships and provided students with opportunities to discuss a range of key topics. This programme is part of our vision to develop outstanding character.
We are extremely proud of our Year 11 students who have now completed their mock exams. For those students that may have missed an exam paper, they will have the opportunity to sit this next week. All students conducted themselves impeccably and were a credit to the school. The process of marking all papers and analysing the data has begun, and we look forward to sharing results with students in a few weeks time. We will ensure the data is used effectively to inform our next steps with bespoke interventions and support.
Finally, I would like to share the news that we have a vacancy for a parent governor. Being a governor is an excellent way to make a meaningful impact on the education and experiences of our students. Governors play a crucial role in the leadership and management of schools, and it is a fantastic opportunity to bring your skills and perspective to the table. All you need to become a governor is enthusiasm, a commitment to learning, and a desire to make a difference! Details of how to become a governor can be found on our school website. The deadline for applications is 12 noon on 29th November 2024.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Mr J Firth