About the Library at Rushden Academy
The Library at Rushden Academy promotes books and reading across the school, along with offering a place to go at break and lunch-time and taking part in extra-curricular activities.
The Library is open to students from 8.15am so that they can return or borrow a book or print off their homework before school starts. We often have lessons booked into the Library for students to use the computer or book resources to help them with their studies. We also help to support Year 7 and 8 classes who are taking part in the Accelerated Reader (AR) program by helping students to find books they will enjoy to read and supporting teachers with delivery of the programme. Year 9 students also have a fornightly Library lesson, to concentrate on reading and the importance of developing literacy skills. Students from Year 7 all the way up to Year 13 are welcome to come in, browse the shelves and borrow a book. Students can borrow two books for up to two weeks (please refer to the 'Overdues Guidance 2025' attached to this webpage for information concerning late books). At break and lunch times the Library is open for students who would like catch-up on homework, read quietly, ask staff about reading books or, at lunch-time, take part in one of the daily activities.
We have a small selection of stationery items for sale including pens, pencils and rulers; full list is attached to this webpage. Please note this is a cash only service.
Reading and Activities
There are thousands of book titles students can choose from and staff are on hand to give advice and support students with the choosing of those books. Every break and lunch-time students are welcome to find a quiet nook in the Library and spend some time reading.
New books are added to the stock frequently and the titles are chosen with our students in mind; what they like or do not like, popular authors and series of books. We sometimes get recommendations from our students, which is a fantastic way of making sure that the books we buy are going to be popular with lots of students. We ensure that we have a wide and diverse collection of titles covering many non-fiction topics. There are varied genres to choose from in the fiction section, which includes humour, crime, horror, fantasy and real-life, along with many more. Some of our books have more grown-up themes and language which is why our Year 7 and 8 students must have a permission slip, signed by parents or carers, before they can take these books home. Students can get the slips from the Library staff.
To support our members of staff the Library also has a ‘Teaching and Learning’ area, with many helpful books to choose from. Staff are also welcome to browse our fiction shelves.
The Library has a team of Student Library Assistants who help the staff out at break and lunch-times. This team were mindfully chosen, knowing that they have a love of reading and are able to promote different books and use of the Library to their fellow students.
There are many book-themed events which the Library run, such as:
- Christmas Cracker
- World Book Day
- Harry Potter Book Night
- Carnegie Medal Book Shadowing
- Author visits or reading events
Any events will be advertised around the school and students can ask for more information in the Library.
Library Opening Times
Monday – Thursday 8.15am - 3.15pm (Except during timetabled lessons. There are after-school activities available; please see the list below for activities and timings).
Friday 8.30am - 3.15pm
Break and lunch-time in the Library
At break and lunch-times students can do homework either on the computers or at the desks; have a quiet catch-up with friends; read or return their Library books/take an AR quiz. We also have interactive boards for 'Word of the Day' and Sudoku.
Lunch-time Activities
Monday - Card and Board games
Tuesday - Chess and Scrabble
Wednesday- Jigsaws
Tranquil Thursday- This linch-time is for students to find some peace and tranquility. There are no games played, everyone talks in a lower voice and just takes part in either reading or homework.
Friday- 'Fill-It-In' Colouring, wordsearches, complex dot-to-dots, sudoku sheets available with pens and pencils.
After-School- these activities require a parental consent letter, please ask Ms. Raven or Ms. Quantrill for one. After-school activities run from 3pm-4pm.
Monday- Board Games
Tuesday- Reading (for students who need a quiet place to concentrate on their reading)
Wednesday- Homework Club
Thursday- Role Playing games (eg: 'Choose Your Own Adventure'/D&D)
Friday- closes at 3.15pm
Links to reading websites
Click the icon or scan the QR code to link to the websites below:
Libresoft (Library Catalogue)
ePlatform (online reading site)
Accelerated Reader (AR reading quizzes)
Accelerated Reader (Book Finder)
If you have books at home and would like to find out if they are on AR and what level they are, then click here to be taken to the AR bookfinder UK website. You can type in the author, title or ISBN (the barcode on the back of the book) and if the book is on AR you will see the quiz number and book level.
Libresoft & ePlatform
Library Documents
Stationery Price List
Overdue Guidance 2025
Title | Description | Download |
pdf Stationery Price List | Download | |
docx Overdue Guidance 2025 | Download |