Spiritual Learning at Rushden Academy
- DofE expedition
- Achievement assemblies
- Eco ambassadors
- School productions
- Rushden's Got Talent!
- Remembrance service
- LGBTQ+ lunch time club
- Mindfulness open puzzle in the library
- Open evenings
- Trips and visits
Moral Learning at Rushden Academy
- Learning for life days
- Knife crime workshop
- Prison Me?! No Way!
- Army experience
- School ethos
- Fundraising
- Rewards trips
- Community projects
- Student Leadership Team
- Anti-bullying week
- Amazon voucher rewards
- Eco ambassador club
- Behaviour policy
- Safer internet day
Social Learning at Rushden Academy
- Sports fixtures and clubs
- Participation in fundraising and charity events
- World teacher day
- Breakfast club
- Art ambassadors
- Counselling
- Harry Potter book night in the library
- Uganda's pie day fundraising
- Careers & destinations fair
- World skills fair
- Learning for life days
- Sports day
- Residential trips abroad
- Prom
Cultural Learning at Rushden Academy
- Theatre visits
- Knife crime workshop
- LGBTQ+ acceptance club
- Camps International to Borneo
- Careers fair
- Taster events at our hair and beauty salon
- Business enterprise day
- Operating theatre live
- Non-Uniform days and fundraising events
- World calendar and awareness days