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Ethos Team

Ethos Team

Ethos Team

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At Rushden Academy, we have partnered with Grace Foundation who are working with us from the inside out to support the aspirational, relational and spiritual needs of students and their families through the work of our Ethos Team. Our Ethos team work onsite full time and consist of an Ethos Leader, Youth Worker and Family Support Worker and they work to create and implement the Ethos Programme. 



Have a look at the Ethos Blog for tips for your wellbeing.


 Ethos term 6


Ethos Team Impact Term 3 2021-22

Here is a selection of some of the sessions we have run for different year groups during Term 3

What Impact Summary

Year 9 County Lines Workhop

152 Year 9 students participated in a workshop delivered by Grace Foundation’s external production team Rights of Passage Productions (ROPP).

ESCAPE is an interactive student experience based on the topic of County Lines and its associated risks and challenges with young people. This tackled the reasons young people may get into county lines such as gang affiliation, targeting by organised drug networks, self-preservation, desire to belong, financial, exploitation, bullying and peer pressure. 


After the day:

  • 93% strongly agreed/agreed that they “have a better understanding of what County Lines are”
  • 85% said they are “more aware of what the law says about County Lines”
  • 93% said they are “aware of the different stages of County Lines”
  • 92% said they “know where to get help and advice”
  • 91% said they “better understand why it is important to speak up about County Lines”
  • 85% said they “know at least one organisation they can report Child Exploitation to”

Students said:

“I won't be scared of reaching out”

“I will think more about my friends’ behaviour changes”

Building Healthy Relationships Day for Year 9

152 students in Year 9 took part in the “Building Healthy Relationships” Day.

The purpose of the day was to help students’ make healthy choices about sex ; relationships through engaging lessons, workshops &  drama with specialist external guests.

Riverside started the day with “It’s Complicated” - a powerful theatre in education programme that helps young people learn about online safety & social media misuse and the impact on mental health. “RAISE” & “Amplifyouth” sexual health educators taught students about the basics of contraception & STIs.

The Ethos Team delivered workshops on “Relationship Choices” linking to consent & the law.

The “Respect Me” team discussed the importance of a healthy self-esteem and body image different media pressures.

After the day:

  • 93 % strongly agreed/agreed that they “feel better prepared to make healthy choices about sex and relationships “
  • 90% said they “know more about online risks of social media & "sexting"”
  • 89% said they “now know more about contraception & STIs”
  • 91% said they “better understand the importance of healthy self-esteem”
  • 82% said they “know where to get confidential help or advice’’

Students said:

“I learned that anything you put online will stay there forever and anyone can see it”

“I learned that you shouldn’t believe everything that someone tells you”

“I learned that I have the right to wait and say no”

“I learned to know when and how to have sex”

“I learned how to put a condom on”

Building Healthy Relationships Day for Year 10

137 Year 10 students participated in the “Building Healthy Relationships” Day. 

The purpose of the day was to help students’ make healthy choices about sex & relationships through engaging lessons, workshops & drama with specialist external guests.

Loudmouth started the day with “Safe and Sound” - a powerful theatre in education programme that helps young people learn about abusive relationships & coercive control.

Naked Truth delivered a session on the effects of Pornography on our relationships, mental health, and society.

The Ethos Team delivered workshops on Consent linking to the law, how to recognise consent, and common myths.

Explore Marriage delivered a Q&A style session with a married couple exploring the realities of long-lasting committed relationships.

Straight Talking peer educators unpacked the realities of teenage pregnancy.

After the day:

  • 91% strongly agreed/agreed that they “feel better prepared to make healthy choices about sex and relationships”
  • 92% said they “I have a better understanding of consent”
  • 78% said they “I better understand the value of marriage and commitment”
  • 87% said they “I am more aware of the risks of pornography”
  • 87% said they “I know where to get help or advice” 

Students said the main things they learned from the day’s sessions were:

“Abusive relationships are hard to leave”

“How to be a good partner in a relationship”

“To speak up about abuse”

"Who I can go to if I need help”

“Saying ‘Yes’ Whilst drunk is not consent”

“Making it crystal clear about what consent is and how to recognise it”

“People can say yes and then change their mind”; “

“How pornography really can affect yourself and how harmful it is”

“How to improve relationships”

“Learnt about what it’s like to be a mum at a young age”; 

Students said that if they were to do anything differently as a result of this session, it would be:

“Communicate more with partner”

“Get to know people better and don’t be scared to ask questions”

“If I’m in a bad relationship I could call an organisation that can help me like ChildLine”

“Setting boundaries & respecting boundaries are important”

“Use ‘I forgive you’ after an argument”

“Stop watching porn”.


Colorful Heart Candies and Polaroid Personal Valentines Day Photo Poster 3 Mr Noblett leads our Ethos Team here at the Academy. His role is to lead the team and build the Ethos Programme to support the school in Raising Student Aspirations, help students Build Healthy Relationships and better Understand Christian Perspectives. The aims of the Ethos Programme are to develop the whole person, enhance student wellbeing and improve student outcomes.
Colorful Heart Candies and Polaroid Personal Valentines Day Photo Poster 1 Hi, I'm Rosie, the Ethos Youth Worker. My job is all about supporting our students, and helping them to reach their potential. On any day you might find me running a wellbeing course for a group of students, playing games at a lunch time drop in club, mentoring a young person who's having a difficult time, teaching a lesson on resilience, leading a reflective session on prayer, or maybe just making someone a hot chocolate. If you ever need to have a chat about the stuff that's going on in your life - big or small - why not come along to the Ethos room and say hello? 
 Colorful Heart Candies and Polaroid Personal Valentines Day Photo Poster 6 1

Lizzy McKenzie is the Family Support Worker and part of the Ethos Team here at Rushden Academy. She works closely with the pastoral and safeguarding teams within school to help offer holistic support to students. This means being available for the whole family to ensure that students are able to achieve to the best of their abilities. She is able to provide information, guidance and practical support in areas such as:

  • parenting advice: from discovering your lovely child has turned into a teenager to the big issues of sex, drugs and online safety
  • health and wellbeing
  • finance - benefits checks; budgeting advice as well as emergency referrals to the food bank
  • housing 
  • safeguarding

She is here for YOU - so if you need anything please don't hesitate to contact her at  or on the normal school number.



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Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391