Dear Parents and Carers,
RE: Year 11 Progress Evening 23rd January 2025
Venue: Main Hall
Time: 4.00pm-7.00pm
The Year 11 meet the Progress Evening is a fantastic opportunity for parents or carers to discuss the progress of their child with their teachers. We encourage all parents and carers to attend as there will be a lot of valuable information and support on offer.
Rushden Academy uses an on-line Parents Evening booking system. This can be found on the home page at
The link for the booking system can be found under the quick links box to the right of the home page. Booking will open on Thursday 9th January at 7pm.
If you are unable to access the school home page please contact the school so that we can support you in making appointments.
After parental feedback we have made all appointments 6 minutes long with 1 minute movement between. A bell will be rung to indicate when the discussion needs to be brought to a conclusion, please try to stick to the timings for the benefit of everyone.
The online booking system will close on Wednesday 22nd January at 12 noon.
We hope you will find the evening an enjoyable one and we look forward to welcoming you on the 23rd January 2025.
Yours sincerely,
Trevor Billam
Vice Principal