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Year 7 Catchup

Year 7 Catch up Funding is given to schools to help support pupils who gained the lowest scores at KS2 to make accelerated progress in English and Mathematics in Year 7.

The funding is £14,700. This was used to part fund additional Teaching Assistant support in both Maths and English.

The MyMaths programme has been purchased for Maths and both Accelerated Reader and Lexia have been partly funded for English to support identified pupils. All of these programmes are tracked in order to identify progress.

During the academic year 2018/19, the lowest ability Maths class made on average 0.53 grades above expected progress and the equivalent English group made 0.20 grade above. 

For the 2019/20 academic year the support for these pupils is going to be through extra teacher support as well as through teaching assistant support. The lowest achieving pupils from primary Key Stage 2 data will be taken out of their foreign languages lessons and will work on Literacy and Numeracy. This programme will be delivered by an ex-primary teacher in the maths department and the teacher of English.

The funding will be used to partly fund the teachers and teaching assistants for these lessons. It will also partly fund the licenses for Mymaths, Accelerated Reader and Lexia for these particular pupils. Alongside the extra catch-up lessons there will be support in regular timetabled Maths and English lessons through:

  • In class and small group support in English and mathematics, provided by two teaching assistants.
  • Use of Accelerated Reader which supports an increase in reading age and literacy.
  • Lexia provision which supports other aspects of literacy.

Year 7 Catchup Documents

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  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391


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