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Risk Assessment

Making the workplace COVID-secure

Control measures to reduce transmission


Risk Rating

To reduce risk of transmitting Covid-19

●      Staff have a copy of Annex A & this risk assessment has been shared with staff and will be saved on the website

●      If you display any of the main symptoms:

         a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)

        a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

        a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

 Most people with coronavirus have at least 1 of these symptoms.  Please do not come into school

●      If a pupil has coronavirus symptoms whilst at school they are to self-isolate in the medical room, with the door outside left open, the window open but the internal door closed. Use discretion if the weather is poor. Parents to be called immediately to collect

●      The medical room will then undergo a deep clean & so too will the classroom

●      If a member of staff has coronavirus symptoms whilst at school, they must inform SLT immediately and leave the school site

●      Staff will self-test twice weekly at home using the LFT, staff will use the step-by-step guide and report results as directed on p15 onwards. Please inform the school as normal of all absences.

●      Pupils will return to school via a staggered start and be tested 3 times upon return. They will then receive self-testing kits to use at home and follow the step-by-step guide and report results as directed on p15 onwards. Please inform the school as normal of all absences.

●      Information affecting you or your children will be communicated swiftly via email, text and sometimes phone calls










Arriving at school

●      Pupils are encouraged to walk or bike to school (when in school)

●      Car sharing must be avoided

●      Normally there are staggered starts to the day and pupils enter via designated exit – either Spencer Gate or Hayway as per schedule provided

●      During lockdown where vulnerable and critical workers children come to school, we create mixed year group bubbles & all timetables are aligned to support a blend of virtual live lessons and Google Classroom lessons

●      Normally pupils will arrive on or close to their staggered start time, they will sanitise at the entrances and go straight to their year group zone and remain in their year group bubble

●      Pupils arrive in school uniform, staff in office dress but there is no need for jackets (due to staff wishing to frequently wash, although there is no requirement with this).  This is during lockdown too

●      All staff must sign-in and out of school daily using lanyards

●      Pupils on site must be registered

●      Leaders will be out and about ensuring orderly entry to school









SLT & Leaders


Face masks &

Face visors

●      Staff and pupils are to bring own face coverings with them to school each day, they can also be purchased from main and student reception

●      Face masks must be worn by staff and pupils in communal areas, walking from class to class and in canteen areas when not eating or drinking

●      Pupils to wear face masks in all lessons, teachers as long as 2m distancing this is at your discretion. This does not apply in situations where wearing a face covering would impact on the ability to take part in exercise or strenuous activity, for example in PE lessons and dance.

●      Pupils who are exempt from wearing face coverings will wear a blue lanyard

●      If you are travelling by public transport you must wear a face mask

●      If staff are working with pupils and cannot maintain a distance of 2m then a face mask must be worn

●      Visors cannot be worn as an alternative to face masks









●      Staff will continue to move and pupils stay within the designated bubbles – this will be reviewed pre-Easter

●      Where possible pupils enter classrooms via external doors

●      Upon entering the classrooms pupils will hand sanitise

●      There are tissues in all rooms and bins to ‘catch-it, bin-it & kill-it’

●      Posters are displayed throughout school to remind everyone of the expectations

●      Science and IT rooms are bookable

●      Pupils will sit side by side and facing the front, desks are all forward facing, an x marks the spot where they should be aligned at the front, staff to check this

●      Pupils must stick to their seating plan & staff will check this

●      Staff must keep seating plans updated on G4S

●      Pupils and staff to bring in their own resources: black pens, pencils, rubber, ruler, glue, calculator

●      Pupils to take exercise books home with them

●      Where resources are to be shared within bubbles ie. textbooks, w/s, glue, whiteboards etc, pupils hand them out or collect. Staff do not circulate but remain at the front & ensure all borrowed material is returned

●      Teaching zone is 2m at the front of lessons, if teachers move within 1m of pupils this must be done for a short length of time and the 2m distancing continues to be the norm

●      Teachers to wedge open doors and open windows, blinds etc to avoid many hands touching surfaces

●      Teachers to have a clear desk & spray the desk when vacating the room

●      Excess tables and chairs are removed from classrooms

●      All soft furnishings to be removed and classrooms must be kept clutter free with surfaces clear for wiping

●      Staff have own wipes to clean teacher desk on leaving and on entering new classrooms

●      Pupils must stay in seats whilst teacher switches lessons

●      Leaders will be out and about ensuring the team follow all instructions keeping everyone safe



















SLT & Leaders


Science Labs

●      Pupils must not use their own sanitisers when in labs only those provided by the school due to health and safety issues

●      Science Labs will be used for practical work.  Every lab will have available a sealed clear plastic bag, marked ‘For emergency use only’ and kept on the teacher’s desks.  If teachers or technicians need to administer Immediate Remedial Measures (IRM) they will have available:

⮚     disposable gloves 

⮚     a fluid-resistant face mask (FRSM Type IIR), 

⮚     disposable plastic apron

⮚     eye protection (face shield, safety specs or goggles),

⮚     paper towels,

⮚     plastic bags for the disposal of used equipment and for any contaminated clothing





●      Set as normal but either completed electronically or on sheets of paper that can be quarantined before marking



Social distancing

●      Pupils will remain in year group bubbles and stick to staggered starts, breaks, lunches & ends to the day to reduce the number of contacts with pupils out of year

●      Pupils are allocated staircases, areas to eat and outdoor areas

●      Corridor movement will be kept to a minimum in the zones especially in y7-9, without the need to change for option subjects. Pupils will use face masks when moving rooms

●      Staff will leave lessons first, arrive at their next destination & pupils will then move to support social distancing

●      Assemblies will be virtual

●      PE1&PE2 are to be used as extra changing rooms so cleaning can occur. Double barriers in place at the door to help with privacy






PE and Site



●      There are no allocated toilet areas, although year 9 will use CA toilets and Sixth Form students will use Toilets near S1 (boys) and the girl changing rooms near the sports hall (girls).  The remainder of the school will use the MFL ones

●      There is a robust toilet cleaning programme in place throughout the day to ensure regular cleaning

●      Toilets will have a regular supply of hot and cold water along with soap and disposable hand towels

●      Staff will use staff toilets and they will be regularly cleaned

●      Everyone is expected to wash hands regularly as per guidance








●      Lockers are not in year group bubble areas so will not be available for use



Breaks & lunches

●      Breaks & lunches are staggered

●      The Canteen & Main Hall are allocated to specific year groups to avoid contamination between bubbles

●      Water is available in the eating areas

●      The MH is set up for seating at lunchtime for those using the snack shack

●      Food will be grab and go hot and cold meals

●      The year bubbles have designated playground areas to use and will be painted to show where pupils can and cannot go

●      Staff will also have staggered starts, ends, lunches, and ends to the day

●      Staff can go into either canteen area to purchase food

●      Staff are able to use the staffroom to work, there are tea and coffee making facilities in the staff room

●      Each year group zone has a room available for non-teaching time and subject offices are still available too

●      Leaders will be out and about ensuring the team follow all instructions keeping everyone safe






Leaders & Site





SLT & Leaders


Cleaning, hygiene and hand sanitisers

●      All classrooms have sanitisers, dettol spray, boxes of tissues, bins and roll of tissue

●      Teachers will wipe around computer before leaving the lesson and entering next lesson

●      If pupils are leaving the room for another lesson they will spray and wipe their area

●      Thorough cleaning schedule in place during the day to include replenishing resources, wiping down hard surfaces that are commonly used internally & externally, cleaning student & staff toilets, changing rooms & canteen areas

●      When site staff clean toilets and communal areas they will wear PPE

●      External cleaning company have a through schedule to enhance the cleaning








Communication / Consultation

●      LW is the H&S Officer. All issues reported to LW who disseminates according to severity of risk

●      Consultation continues with staff to ensure the plans for opening are acceptable pre-Sep & staff contribute to the risk assessment

●      Clear written guidance will be shared with staff, parents, and pupils

●      Weekly feedback will be shared via SLT log, school bulletin and in virtual briefings

●      The risk assessment will be revisited continuously and amended according, this is version 7



SLT & Leaders

Leaders & Staff


Arrival of visitors including deliveries

●      Visits to school are by appointment only

●      Main reception is fitted with an intercom system & the screen will always be closed

●      Student services has screen fitted

●      Large deliveries to go via site team

●      Small deliveries will be left in the main reception








●      Attendance is mandatory from 8th March 2021 with a staggered start to ensure LFT of pupils

●      Staff & pupils to follow absence reporting procedures for illness and accidents

●      Leaders will support families to ensure pupils are back in school



SLT & leaders


Departing from school

●      Staggered ends to the day and pupils leave via designated exit – either Spencer Gate or Hayway

●      Leaders will be out and about ensuring orderly exit from school

SLT & leaders

SLT & leaders


Removal of waste

●    All waste that has been in contact with people, including used tissues and masks, should be put in a plastic rubbish bag and tied when full and removed



Sixth form centre

●      To be used by sixth form bubble and cleaned daily



SEND area

●      Socially distanced desks as different year bubble using this resource and cleaned daily




●      Socially distanced desks as different year bubble using this resource and cleaned daily



Lecture Theatre

●      Used by drama, but chairs cordoned off and out of use. Cleaned daily




●      Used by y7 only.  Cleaned daily

●      Click and delivery service on offer along with E -platform, electronic and audible books




Performing Arts Practice Room

●    To be used for piano and singing lessons (one external teacher for both lessons), and string lessons (one additional external teacher) to be cleaned daily

●    Visiting teacher responsible for cleaning piano (keys, other areas that could be touched and the stool) when used by students using sanitiser spray and wipes (provided)

●    Door to the practice room to remain open ensuring ventilation exceeding the guided flow by DfE (10l/s per person)

●    Singing to take place behind the glass screen in the practice room to reduce any aerosol transmission around the teacher. No singing will take place face-to-face

●    Teacher to wear face mask or visor at all times

●    Strict social distancing of 1+ metres to be adhered to whilst within the room between teacher and student

●    No more than one teacher and one student to be in the room at the same time

●    Student and teacher to sanitise on entry and exit


Visiting Staff


Remote T&L

●      Teachers may need to set work in Google Classroom for those unable to return to school




●      Refer to revised Exam Protocol for updated guidance on how we operate during the Covid-19 Pandemic


General site

●    Water fountains are not in use but pupils can access free water. Water will be available in the canteen.

●    Signage is up and around site – year group zones, stairs, canteen, snack shack, toilet use, no appointments in reception, where to leave parcels and post




Evacuation Procedures

●    All staff and pupils to congregate in distanced bubbles behind Creative Arts & tennis courts and follow normal procedures



Medical Room

●      First Aiders to wear full PPE when dealing with first aid issues (gloves, face visor mask & plastic apron)

First Aider


Mental Health & Wellbeing

●      Ethos Team are available for all

●      Regular Google Hangouts virtually or face to face with staff

●      WB Committee set up with many activities planned

●      Access to well-being and mental Health support communicated and shared with staff on a regular basis

Ethos leader


Ethos Team



●      C-19 changes have been made to the behaviour policy

●      C-19 changes have been made to the Teaching, Learning & Assessment Policy

●      C-19 changes have been made to the Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy

●      List of expectations have been signed as a reminder & commitment to adhere to high expectations

●      On-call remains in place, pupils will be escorted to the food rooms that have been set up to have 30 desks significantly distanced so that cross contamination does not occur across bubbles

●      Teachers consistently follow procedures

●      After school detentions are centralised (apart from y7 who remain in their bubble) all social distancing & rigorous cleaning procedures are in place









Policy awareness

Make sure you are aware of the C-19 changes to the following policies:

●      CP and Safeguarding Policy

●      Teaching, Learning & Assessment Policy

●      Behaviour Policy

All staff


Fire Safety checks

●      Fire risk assessment complete

●      Fire alarms, emergency lighting, fire extinguishers are working

●      Fire escape routes are clearly marked

●      Fire safety equipment is in good working order

●      Stock is safely and securely stored

●      Staff are clear re: fire procedures



Mass Asymptomatic Testing in School

●      All pupils and staff are asked to consent to the Lateral Flow Test

●      All must have completed consent forms before being tested

●      Anyone who has C19 symptoms must not come to school and inform the school

●      Staff must Lateral Flow Test twice weekly at home

●      All pupils  must Lateral Flow Test twice weekly, 3 when they return to school, followed by home testing

●      Face masks to be worn in the Mass Testing Venue, only to be removed when testing occurs

●      The Children’s Centre will also be available for LFT at certain times

●      All to sanitize when entering and leaving any of the testing centres

●      All to 2m socially distance in the testing area

●      All to follow the one-way flow

●      Areas will be wiped down after use

●      There is a regular cleaning programme is in place across school

●      All cleaning material is disposed of safely

●      All spare kits are stored safely to prevent improper handling

●      All staff with responsibilities to support Lateral Flow Testing are trained, they wear the PPE and comply with all the procedures on the MSDS form to mitigate inhalation, skin contact or ingestion of the chemicals

●      The environment is fit for purpose, testing stations are 2m apart, the surfaces are flat, mirrors and tissues are available.

●      All to follow instructions carefully

●      All to re-test if results are inconclusive

●      All results are recorded, stored safely, shared with the DFE and when home testing the expectation is to follow the Step-by-Step guide for Covid-19 self-testing.

●      If the results are positive the subject must isolate and arrangements made to go home


All staff



Appendix 1

NHS Test and Trace.

You will need to be ready and willing to:

  • book a testif you or their child are displaying symptoms. Staff and pupils must not come into the school if they have symptoms, and must be sent home to self-isolate if they develop them in school. All children can be tested, including children under 5, but children aged 11 and under will need to be helped by their parents/carers if using a home testing kit
  • provide details of anyone they or their child have been in close contact with if they were to test positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) or if asked by NHS Test and Trace
  • self-isolateif they have been in close contact with someone who tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), or if anyone in their household develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)

Anyone who displays symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) can and should get a test. Tests can be booked online through the NHS testing and tracing for coronavirus website, or ordered by telephone via NHS 119 for those without access to the internet. Essential workers, which includes anyone involved in education or childcare, have priority access to testing.

The government will ensure that it is as easy as possible to get a test through a wide range of routes that are locally accessible, fast and convenient. We will release more details on new testing avenues as and when they become available and will work with schools so they understand what the quickest and easiest way is to get a test. By the autumn term, all schools will be provided with a small number of home testing kits that they can give directly to parents/carers collecting a child who has developed symptoms at school, or staff who have developed symptoms at school, where they think providing one will significantly increase the likelihood of them getting tested. Advice will be provided alongside these kits.

Please inform school immediately of the results of a test:

  • if someone tests negative, if they feel well and no longer have symptoms similar to coronavirus (COVID-19), they can stop self-isolating. They could still have another virus, such as a cold or flu – in which case it is still best to avoid contact with other people until they are better. Other members of their household can stop self-isolating.
  •  someone tests positive, they should follow the ‘stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection’and must continue to self-isolate for at least 10 days from the onset of their symptoms and then return to school only if they do not have symptoms other than cough or loss of sense of smell/taste. This is because a cough or anosmia can last for several weeks once the infection has gone. The 10-day period starts from the day when they first became ill. If they still have a high temperature, they should keep self-isolating until their temperature returns to normal. Other members of their household should continue self-isolating for the full 14 days.

Get in Touch

Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391


© Copyright 2020 Rushden Academy