Dear Parent / Carer
Once again, it has been a very busy week for students. Students in key stage 4 and key stage 5 received their BTEC Unit results from their most recent Pearson Set Assignment (PSA) activity. These grades will count towards their final, overall grade, that they will receive in August. We are pleased to see so many students doing really well with their BTEC courses with great results following the excellent work they have been doing in lessons.
This week we began the process of interviewing for our new student leadership team. Interviews will continue over the coming week and we look forward to sharing details of our new student leadership team during the final week of the term.
Careers have been a big focus for us this week. Sixth form students had the opportunity to spend time with Kier this week, looking at lots of different roles that the company offers, along with the different training routes that they provide, including apprenticeships. Students in year 7 to 11 had the opportunity to talk with a wide range of employers. This is all part of our personal development offer to support students with preparing for their future careers. We are extremely grateful to those companies who gave up their time to support our students. Please do get in touch with the school if you are able to offer support for this event next year.
Our values consultation has now concluded and I am pleased to share that there has been overwhelming support for our change in values. Student feedback has said that the new values better represent our school, and that they are more meaningful to them. Staff are also in support of change, along with those families who responded to our parent consultation. In response to this we now have some work to do to prepare for this adjustment which we will implement after the Easter break. We will also be introducing some other changes after Easter. We are branding these changes as the Rushden Refresh and we are excited to share these with you next week. These changes will focus on raising our expectations of students further, embedding our new STARR values, and strengthening our classroom routines. So you are aware, these changes will not impact parents or carers, but there will be some small changes to how the school day looks and functions. I look forward to sharing more details with you next week!
To facilitate the required staff training for our Rushden Refresh, students will be finishing school early on the last day of term. Therefore, on Friday 4th April, students will be finishing school at 1:15pm. If you require supervision for your child until 3pm, please contact the school office so we can support. Students will return to school after the Easter holiday on Tuesday 22nd April.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend, and we look forward to seeing all students next week.
Yours sincerely,
Mr J Firth