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Academy News Stories

Message From the Principal 07.03.2025

Dear Parents/Carers,

We have had a very busy week this week as we move forwards with our new management information system, Bromcom. We have shared the schedule for rolling out the parent app, MCAS (My Child At School), on our social media channels, further details are below. This app will enable you to monitor your child's attendance and behaviour in school. We will look to add other functionality and communication through this app in the future, but for the moment we will look to keep things simple! We thank you all for your patience whilst we roll out this system to all parents and students.

Parents of Year 11 and 10 students now have access to the platform. Please check your emails (including your junk), and remember you only have 24 hours to use the provided link to set up your account.

Year 9 will receive access on Monday, Year 8 on Wednesday, and Year 7 on Friday next week. This allows us time to respond to any issues or concerns in a manageable way.

On Monday this week, all families with children moving to a secondary school in September were informed of their secondary school placement. We would like to give a warm welcome to all of our new families and pupils who will be joining #TeamRushden this year. We will be in touch with information about our transition programme including our welcome evening, where students will meet their new form tutor, and our two transition days in due course. All information for new families will be shared via a platform called Applicaa, again, please check your junk emails too.

On Friday morning, I met with our student council to talk about a consultation on our school values. I would like to extend this consultation to you all to gather your views on how we can amend our values to better reflect where the school is, where we are going. We currently have very strong values that are linked with our Ethos team, and our personal development programme. Students know these values at the Rushden STARR: Serve, Thrive, Aspire, Respect, Resilient. Our proposal is that we adopt these values as our main school values. A summary of the values we are proposing to adopt is below:

  • Serve – We encourage students to contribute to their communities, support one another, and make a positive impact.
  • Thrive – We create an environment where every student can grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
  • Aspire – We inspire ambition, determination, and the pursuit of excellence in all areas of life.
  • Respect – We foster a culture of kindness, inclusion, and integrity, where everyone is valued.
  • Resilient – We empower students to embrace challenges, learn from setbacks, and persist with confidence.

To share your feedback on our values consultation, please click on the link below. We will close this consultation at 4pm on Friday 14th March:

Through adopting these values, we will be better placed to create a school environment where every student is inspired to aspire, encouraged to explore, and empowered to succeed.

Finally, on Tuesday this week, year 9 students had a day of workshops and sessions provided by a team called “Prison, Me, No Way!” We are grateful for the support provided by the Rotary Club with funding this important project for our students. We received very positive feedback from our guests leading the sessions, and students found this project helpful with understanding the consequences of poor choices in the community. 

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and we look forward to sharing further updates next week. 


Yours sincerely,


 Mr J Firth



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Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391