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Academy News Stories

Letter to Parents - Change from Go4Schools to Bromcom

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are writing to advise you that we are changing our management information system for pupil data with effect from 24th February 2025 when Go4Schools will be replaced with Bromcom. We have decided to make this change in order to consolidate some of our processes and systems and believe that there will be longer term benefits for pupils, parents and staff.

Parent/carer access to the system will be via the Bromcom parental module called My Child at School (MCAS) as a web page or the App. Login in details will be provided in due course.

Implementing a new system in a school is a significant task and we will be taking our time in releasing different modules to you as we ensure that the system is functioning as we would expect. Please bear with us as we go through this process. Our focus in the first couple of weeks will be on attendance, absence notifications, safeguarding, recording behaviour and ensuring a smooth transition to the new system. 

Over the coming months we hope to begin sharing information with you via MCAS on the aspects below:

  • Attendance 
  • Behaviour
  • Detentions
  • Progress and reports
  • Timetables
  • Exam timetables and results
  • Data collection form to update school of changes
  • Parental consent 
  • Payments
  • Clubs and Trips
  • Communications

You will lose access to Go4Schools on 23rd February 2025 and therefore you may wish to consider downloading copies of your child’s reports and other information in advance of that date. Please see the guide in Appendix A at the end of this letter. We will still have access to the data in school and some of this information will be transferred into Bromcom. 

Yours sincerely

Jonathan Firth




Appendix A - Downloading reports

Clicking on the reports button on the left hand side of the screen; you will see any reports for the current year - click on one and then select ‘view report as PDF’. You can then download the report or print it out. To access reports from previous years, select the Year from the link just below your child’s name on the main pupil page. 

If you wish to keep copies of any other information you can right click on a page and either print it or save it as a PDF.


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Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391