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Academy News Stories

Message From the Principal 05.07.2024

Dear Parent / Carer

It is an absolute privilege to be writing this newsletter at the end of my first week as Principal of Rushden Academy. It has been a very busy week this week with so many excellent activities and events taking place.

Moving forwards I would like to be able to share more information with you via our social media platforms so you can see pictures of your children thriving in our school. You will see our social media details at the bottom of this page. Please keep an eye open for more posts being shared with you.

On Monday we had our inaugural culture day where we celebrated different cultural heritages of the students of Rushden. Students thoroughly enjoyed the day and engaged with all the activities available ranging from food tasting to African drumming. We also welcomed our new teachers joining the team on Monday. We provided new staff with key information and they worked closely with their new faculty leaders so they are able to hit the ground running in September. We would like to welcome Amber Fitzgerald (PE) and Natalie Hoyle (Maths), who have joined the team this week.

On Tuesday and Wednesday students in year 9 took part in a county lines workshop organised and delivered by our Ethos Team. The workshops were all based on a true story and helped students to better understand the signs of county lines, the risks, and how to get help if they feel they are being drawn into this.

On Wednesday, a number of year 10 students visited Warwick Castle to support their History studies. Despite the poor weather, all the students and staff had a great time!

Year 11 students had their prom at the Kettering Park Hotel on Wednesday evening. It was amazing to see all the students gathering together and celebrating the end of their KS4 studies. We look forward to seeing many of our students return next week for their transition into the Sixth Form.

On Thursday we welcomed our new cohort of year 7 students to Rushden Academy. They started the day with an assembly before breaking off to have different taster sessions of the subjects they will be studying as part of their curriculum from September. Students returned today for their second transition day and we look forward to welcoming them in September.

Year 10 Performing Arts students put on an absolutely brilliant showcase. Students performed their work from Dance, Drama, Music and Production. I was truly blown away by the quality and professionalism of the students during the evening, and I am looking forward to the performances of We Will Rock You in a few weeks!

I look forward to sharing more details of the amazing week we have planned for all students in my next newsletter.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Yours sincerely,

Mr J FIrth


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Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391
