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Academy News Stories

Message From the Principal 28.06.24

Dear Parent / Carer

It's been a very warm week at Rushden Academy with lots of exciting activities taking place.

Our Year 12 Geographers set off early on Monday morning for their field trip to the South Coast. They have a comprehensive itinerary and could not have asked for better weather to undertake the field work activities.  

On Wednesday, we hosted several primary schools for a sports event on the field. The activities were supported by a number of our Year 9 students who did a fantastic job and their help was greatly appreciated. Our sports leaders will also be going into some of our feeder schools in the next couple of weeks to support with running their sports days.

The Social Action Squad was out in force on Wednesday afternoon and spent the afternoon undertaking litter picking duties in the local community. They collected large amounts of rubbish and did a great job of showing how the students of Rushden care for our community.  In keeping with this theme, I also received a lovely email from a member of the community letting me know that two of our students had stopped of their own volition and helped an elderly male who had fallen over in his garden. Oliver and Callum did a great job of looking after the male and helped back up off the floor. His wife was extremely grateful and it was another example of our students demonstrating exemplary character.

Thankfully the weather cooled down for Sports Day on Friday which, as usual, was one of the best days of the year. It was a day full of stunning athletic performances, new records, flash mobs and celebrations. The children all had a great day and displayed huge amounts of camaraderie.

Year 13 have their leavers ball on Friday evening which will be a lovely way to celebrate with friends and the staff that have supported them with their studies these past two years.  

Looking ahead to next week, on Monday we have a special day planned in order to celebrate the different cultural heritages of the students of Rushden. Mrs Ogungbadero has planned some incredible activities for students which will take students on a cultural rollercoaster including food sampling, dances and traditional music from around the world. We have given students the option to come in clothing that represents their cultural heritage. The only caveat is that we have said no to football shirts primarily because the European championships are on and we do not want football culture to overshadow the sentiments of the day. However, students are welcome to wear other national sports shirts such as rugby, cricket or basketball.

Have a pleasant weekend,

Yours sincerely,

Mr B Baines


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Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391