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Academy News Stories

Message From the Principal 21.06.24

Dear Parent / Carer

After weeks of rain and miserable weather the sun has finally returned and looks set to stay for sports day next Friday! With this in mind, students will not be required to wear blazers next week.

It was Mrs Smith’s turn to lead assemblies this week and she focused on raising awareness of disabilities and special educational needs. Students were shown a video produced by Scope which shared a lot of common phrases which frustrate people who are living with disabilities. They were then given the opportunity to discuss why such comments may be frustrating and it was great to see the level of thought and reflection from all students. It was a very powerful assembly which really promoted celebration of diversity.  

Year 10 students have been undertaking the first of two weeks of their mock examinations. Their attitude towards these important assessments has been phenomenal with all students making the most of the opportunity to see how they are progressing with their studies. Once all mock examinations have been completed, staff will be sharing detailed feedback with students so that they are fully appraised of where their strengths and areas for development are in each of their subjects.

On Wednesday it was our Year 6 transition evening and Mr Firth welcomed the Year 6 children and parents who will be joining Team Rushden in September. I am delighted that the school is now oversubscribed with a substantial number of children on the waiting list who all want to join Rushden Academy.  

There have been a variety of trips taking place this week with the Year 10 historians visiting Chester House, the Social Action Squad visiting the Beeches care home and our library ambassadors taking a trip to the Bodleian library in Oxford. Next week, Year 12 geographers will be travelling to the South Coast with Mr Bocking and Miss Kinsman to complete various field work assignments.  

I hope you enjoy the weather this weekend whatever you have planned,

Yours sincerely,

Mr B Baines


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  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391