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Recent News Items

Message From the Principal 10.05.24

Dear Parent / Carer

It’s been a sunny and warm end to a very busy week at Rushden Academy.  

Year 11 students have been completing the first examinations of the Summer series with lots of last minute revision and preparation taking place. Before each examination, the subject teachers have been delivering final exam briefings with some last-minute, key revision points to ensure that they are fresh in the students’ minds before entering the exam hall. Friday was the first whole-year exam with all students sitting biology paper 1.  

Ms Kinsman, our Head of Humanities, delivered assemblies to all year groups on the theme of ethical behaviour in a globalised world. She focused on shopping habits and talked about Fairtrade, the concept of slow fashion and the importance of thinking before buying a product. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals were shared with all pupils and they were encouraged to reflect on how achievable they are before the 2030 deadline. As always, it was great to see students so keen to offer answers and engage actively with the assembly content; lots of great food for thought.

Next week is Mental Health Awareness Week and there are a series of events taking place in the Academy to support positive mental health. The theme for the week is ‘Movement’ and in support of this theme, all staff are undertaking a collective challenge to run, row or cycle a kilometre for every student in the school. There are huge links between exercise and positive mental health and so we will be doing all that we can to promote the value of exercise in this important week.    

On Thursday, members of our Sixth Form organised a car wash to raise money for their India trip with the Salt of the Earth charity. The offer was extended to all staff and over the course of the day the students raised £250 towards their fundraising target.  

With the weather turning warmer, we opened the field up to all students at lunchtimes and it was pleasing to see so many students making the most of the weather by playing football and other sports. The field will remain open at lunchtimes for the rest of the Summer term excluding days where it is raining heavily. On days where it is particularly hot, students will be permitted to remove their blazers but until such decisions are made, please ensure that your son or daughter is arriving in full, correct uniform.

Enjoy the warm weathers scheduled for this weekend,

Yours sincerely,

Mr B Baines


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  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391


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