Dear Parent / Carer
At the end of another busy week there is lots to share in relation to what your children have been learning about this week.
Mr Noblett led assemblies for all year groups which celebrated World Religion Day. One of the fundamental British values is tolerance of different values, beliefs and cultures, and Mr Noblett’s assembly took students on a virtual tour of different ‘temples’ from around the world. Students were encouraged to reflect on the rich diversity in different faiths before talking about how our students can demonstrate the value of tolerance within our school community. The closing statements encouraged students to be more curious and actively seek to learn more about the different members within our community, particularly those who may have different beliefs, to ultimately ensure a more inclusive community.
Year 9 students were off timetable all day on Thursday for a ‘Building, Healthy Relationships Day’ which was organised by our Ethos Team. The students had a fantastic day where they listened to various external speakers and completed various workshops on themes such as healthy online relationships and contraception. All students thoroughly enjoyed the day and the feedback on the sessions was overwhelmingly positive.
Year 13 students have spent the week completing their mock examinations which will offer an important insight into their progress to date. It will also allow teachers to explain their strengths and areas for development in detail so they all know where to focus their efforts as they enter the final run-up to their actual examinations in the summer.
With just 4 weeks until the February mock examinations, Year 11 students have been working hard to ensure that they improve on their grades from December. An update letter will be going to the parents of all Year 11 students updating you on their progress, attendance, conduct summary, and ultimately if they are eligible to attend prom at this stage. There is still time to improve their progress scores but in order to do so we would expect all students to be revising daily at this point in the year.
In relation to Go4Schools which is our online platform, we have looked at which parents and carers are using the platform regularly and this varies greatly across the school. With this platform providing live updates on behaviour, attendance and progress reports, it is important that all parents and carers are using the app so you are kept in the loop regarding your child’s day to day school life. If you are having any problems accessing the app, please contact your child’s form tutor who will be able to assist you with how to do so.
Finally, it is a genuine pleasure to see individual students showing a real commitment to their own personal development by earning badges for the Rushden STARR award. There are several silver ties now in circulation and a much greater number of bronze ties. Seeing students wearing these special ties with pride is wonderful to see and reflect a high level of dedication to self improvement.
Have a restful weekend,
Yours sincerely,
Mr B Baines