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Academy News Stories

Strike action - Parent letter - 5th & 7th July 2023

26th June 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

I am writing to you in relation to the proposed industrial action scheduled to take place on Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July.

All decisions are made with the ultimate aim of opening the school to as many students as possible whilst ensuring the safety of both the students and staff. As with the previous days of industrial action, staff are not required to inform me whether they are intending to take strike action or not. This means that the actual number of staff who will be in school will remain unconfirmed until the day itself. However, taking account of the staffing level on the previous strike days, my intention is to open the school to the following Year Groups:

Year 7:

School will be open for all Year 7 lessons on both Wednesday 5th of July and Friday 7th July.  Where teachers are not in school, lessons will be collapsed with alternative lessons and activities taking place. All Year 7s will need to ensure that they bring their PE kit to school on the day as some of the alternative activities may require them to get changed. 

Year 8: 

School will be open for all Year 8 lessons on Wednesday 5th of July but will be closed for all Year 8 students on Friday 7th July. Where teachers are not in school, lessons will be collapsed with alternative lessons and activities taking place.

Year 9: 

School will be closed for all Year 9 students on Wednesday 5th July but will be open for all Year 9 lessons on Friday 7th July. Where teachers are not in school, lessons will be collapsed with alternative lessons and activities taking place.

Year 10:

School will be closed for all Year 10 students as they will be undertaking work experience this week. Where students are undertaking an arranged work experience placement within the Academy, they should attend as normal.   

Year 12: 

The Sixth Form area will be open and supervised for those wishing to come in. If they are scheduled to have a lesson at Rushden Academy and their teacher is in, then they should attend their lesson as normal. Students also have the option to complete independent work at home.  

Vulnerable Students:

A separate email will be sent out inviting identified vulnerable students from year groups to attend and be supervised at school. They will be supervised to undertake online work in an IT room. 


Free School Meals:

For students entitled to a free school meal would you please email   by Tuesday 4th July at 3:00pm to inform us whether you will be collecting a cold lunch, from Rushden Academy, on Wednesday 5th or Friday 7th July. A pre-ordered lunch will be available for collection between 12:00pm and 12:30pm on each day. Lunch will be provided for all students in school as normal.

The rationale for selecting these Year Groups is as follows:

Year 7 – These are the most vulnerable in terms of being the youngest.

Years 8 and 9 - These students will have one day each in school to minimise the impact to their education.  

Year 10 - will be undertaking work experience this week.

Year 12 - These students are in their A level examination years and it is important that they can still come into school to study.   

Whilst I recognise that this will cause disruption around your childcare arrangements, I have made these decisions based on ensuring the safety of our students. This reflects the known availability of staff and the potential disruption that may be caused by staff with their own childcare issues.


Yours sincerely

Mr B Baines


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  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391