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Academy News Stories

Rushden Academy Ofsted Report

Dear Parent/Carer,

You will all be aware that we welcomed a team of Ofsted inspectors into Rushden Academy earlier this month.  It is with great pleasure that I am now able to share the final report with you which judges Rushden Academy as 'Good' in all five areas.

This is a significant milestone in the school’s history as well as external validation of the hard work undertaken by the extremely dedicated staff and students of Rushden Academy. Under five years of Mrs Burton’s leadership the Academy has gone from strength to strength and we are delighted to see that the Team Rushden ethos and culture is reflected so positively in the final report.

Rushden Academy is a great school and we are very proud of the community we serve. The report reflects that pupils enjoy attending the school and that staff are proud to work here. To also read that so many parents and carers would recommend the school is very important to us.  

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to leading the school’s continued improvement journey to ensure that your children receive the very best education possible.  


Your sincerely,

Mr B Baines



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Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391