On Friday 24th September, we were excited to celebrate European Day of Languages as a whole school. Each faculty had been tasked with giving their lessons a European flavour, here are just some of the experiences from the day:
¨ Creative Arts engaged the students in drawing some famous capital city landmarks over the top of the flag from that country. The work that was produced will be going up on display in MFL.
¨ Maths lessons involved a lot of sums in other languages. Mrs Evans had to pop in to MFL to make sure she had her French numbers correct and Mrs Armitage had her students counting in Spanish.
¨ Students in English discovered work by Hans Christian Anderson and the Grimm Brothers.
¨ In Science it was all about going on a treasure hunt and discovering European Scientists with phrases in the languages that they spoke.
Thank you to all the faculties for their hard work in coming up with some great ideas. Students in MFL this week have been keen to share with us the things that they learned and enjoyed and as language teachers it was great for us to see students understanding the relevance of European culture beyond the MFL classroom.
Mrs Brainwood & Mrs Charlton
MFL Department