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Academy News Stories

KS4 Results

Rushden Academy are pleased to announce that the majority of pupils have achieved their GCSE aspirational target grades and have secured places to study further. Although it has been a challenging year, pupils have maintained their studies either virtually or by attending live lessons. They have completed many assessments including formal examinations taken in strict exam conditions and have been determined to achieve their best.

We are so proud of their achievements, we believe that they had the right mind-set and the resilience required to be successful, this was something we recognised throughout their journey at Rushden Academy.

Stand out performances came from Andrew, Maddie, Ben, Jessica, Holly, Mackenzie, Ella, Ryan, Alex, Lucas, Adam, Niamh, Phoebe, Katie, Summer, Sapphire, Madison, Ben, Jayden, Jessica, Liam, Nathan, Kyra, Abbie, Connor, Eryn, Leah, Alisha, Jessica and Sarah.

We are absolutely thrilled for all of our pupils and staff at Rushden Academy. Their sheer hard work and determination has paid off, well done Team Rushden, thank you and may I wish you all the very best as you move upwards and onwards.

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Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391