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Grace Foundation Poetry Competition

Congratulations go out to Bhumika and Winnie who were runners up in the Grace Foundation Y7 Hope Poetry Competition. The competition went out across all of the Grace Foundation partner schools and both Bhumika and Winnie's poems were excellent. We are really proud to have them represent Team Rushden so well! 


You are Hope

You are the one I call,

When I’m in need.

You are the one I treasure,

When fate is close.

You are the one I hold,

When it’s time to let go.

You are the one I need,

When danger is near.

You are the one we call,

When we vanish away.

You are the one we treasure

When our fate is close.

You are the one we hold,

When it’s time for us to let go.

You are the one we need,

When our danger is near.

You are the one they call,

When Covid infects us all.

You are the one they treasure,

When our lives go downhill

You are the one they hold,

When it’s time to say goodbye

You are the one they need,

When our time is up.

You are Hope.

Written by: Bhumika S

School: Rushden Academy 



I hOpE :)

I hope to see my family again

I hope to hug them soon

Just end this time in lockdown

And never see covid again

I hope to see my friends again

The laughs and jokes we had

The times running through the park

Oh I miss those times

I hope to go to school again

Seeing people face to face

And learning in the classrooms

And eating the amazing food

I hope to go to rugby again

The fresh air outside

In the rain, snow and hail

Oh i miss playing this

I hope to go to places

The arcade, shops and more

The times I looked at items in glee

Those are some of my best memories

Covid can go bye-bye

Hope to never see you again

Covid taught us things though

That friends and family are the best

Written by: Winnie L

School: Rushden Academy

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