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Academy News Stories

Changes to the Head of Year 7

Dear Parent/Carer

I am writing to inform you of a change of leadership in terms of the Head of Year for our Year 7 cohort as they move into Year 8. 

Currently, Miss Taylor is leading the year group as their Head of Year. However, in a reorganisation of the pastoral team, Miss Taylor will now be leading our Year 6 into Year 7 Transition and will then continue as the Head of Year 7 in September 2021. Miss Taylor will remain in this important role going forward. 

Mr Anthony Smith who we have appointed as Head of Year will begin working alongside Miss Taylor post half term and will use this time productively to get to know the pupils and begin the process of taking an increasingly active leadership responsibility for the year group as we move through the final term. From week beginning 5th July, Mr Smith will take full responsibility for the year group in readiness for September and the return of pupils into Year 8.

We are extremely grateful for the exceptional leadership Miss Taylor has shown throughout this year. We are confident that Mr Smith will continue leading the year group forward, providing the support and guidance that underpins every child's progress, development and attainment. 

Yours faithfully

Mr R Middleton

Senior Vice Principal

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Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391