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Academy News Stories

Important changes to the wearing of face coverings within school

As part of the Step 3 roadmap in the easing of restrictions, the government has determined that it is no longer necessary to recommend the additional precautionary face covering measures that were put in place following the return to full time education on the 8 March. 

From Monday 17 May, face coverings will no longer be recommended for students in classrooms or communal areas. Face coverings will also no longer be recommended for staff in classrooms. 

Pupils may choose to continue wearing a face covering up to the point at which they feel confident enough with the ending of the pandemic to no longer require it.

In all schools the government continues to recommend that face coverings should be worn by staff and visitors in situations outside of classrooms where social distancing is not possible. We would therefore ask that any parents arriving at school for a meeting do continue to wear a face covering until it is deemed safe to remove once social distancing can be securely maintained.

All pupils should continue to follow the guidance of wearing a face covering when entering shops and supermarkets. It is therefore important that pupils continue to carry a face covering to be used when it is expected of them in line with government guidelines.

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Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391