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Academy News Stories

PE Clubs Return!

PE Clubs Return!

PE Extra-Curricular clubs have returned this week, specifically for our Year 7 cohort.

Over the course of the week we ran six different clubs, six different sports and over 60 Year 7 students attended! Students got to experience what PE clubs are like and were able to let off some steam and burn away some of that excitable energy but most importantly we hoped they had a lot of fun!! Some of the sports and activities in which we ran are unique, and offer something different to their normal PE lessons. We offered Kinball, access to the fitness suite and Trampolining!! 

PE Loyalty Card

Students who attend extra-curricular clubs are now rewarded with a loyalty card in which they can receive a stamp each time they attend a club. Once the card is full students are then entered into a prize draw. Local businesses and sports centres have generously donated a range of prizes in order to help motivate students to participate in extracurricular clubs and take part in more physical activity. On behalf of the school can I thank Splash Leisure Centre and  Bannatynes Health Centre who have both kindly donated free family sessions to use their facilities. Rock Up based at Rushden Lakes have also kindly donated 2 Free Entry passes for students. We hope that this helps motivate students to attend. 

Please come along and give a club a go and if there are any sports in which you would like to be involved in but we don't currently run then please speak to a member of the PE team!


Clubs available for Year 7 next week:

Tuesday: Fitness suite and Trampolining

Wednesday: Football and Netball

Thursday: Kinball and Cricket

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Rushden Academy

  • Hayway,
    NN10 6AG

  • 01933 350391