Welcome to Rushden Academy
Our school mission is to provide opportunities for all students to aspire, explore and succeed. This mission, along with our school values (Smart, Respectful, Hard-Working, Resilient and Team Players) are at the heart of our learning journey.
Rushden Academy takes pride in its strong sense of community and collaboration. At Rushden Academy, we aim to provide our students with an education which offers a rich and ambitious curriculum combined with a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities. Our positive working ethos is embedded into all that we do, supporting our students to be inquisitive, creative and confident learners. We value each of our students, nurturing and encouraging them to reach their potential.
We value learning as a lifelong experience. We believe in challenging students in every activity that they undertake and that they perform best when they are educated in a safe environment. Our staff care about our students and take time to listen to their views.
The school has an ethos of personal achievement, responsibility and leadership combined with mutual respect for all members of our community. We celebrate the many talents and skills that each and every student brings to our school.
We provide all students with opportunities to develop their individual character and believe that a strong and supportive partnership with parents is crucial to students’ happiness and success. This is achieved through regular communication about progress and an excellent pastoral care system.
The academic standards of the school are high and superb extra-curricular opportunities complement learning during the school day. Our community prides itself on high standards of behaviour.
Rushden Academy is a delightful place to teach and has dedicated, well qualified specialist staff and ambitious, talented and hardworking students educated to meet the challenges they will face in an ever-changing world. We are an open and welcoming school with an enormous amount to offer.
Rushden joined the Tove Learning Trust in 2018. We are a close-knit family of schools that have a shared vision and purpose: to deliver outstanding educational experiences that lead to inspiring outcomes. Each academy has a strong individual identity and tailors their educational provision to serve their local community. Academies within the Trust collaborate to share expertise and maximise opportunities and experiences for our staff and students.
We are very proud of our school and our thriving school community. We hope you find our website useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Mr Jonathan Firth
Rushden Academy